Basic operations on signal sequences – Addition

Key focus: How to implement the basic addition operation on two discrete time signal sequences. Python code for signal addition is provided.

Signal addition

Given two discrete-time sequences \(x_1[n]\) and \(x_2[n]\), the addition of these two sequences is represented as \(x_1[n]+ x_2[n]\). The start of the sample at \(n=0\) can be different for these two sequences.

For example, if

\[ \begin{align} x_1[n] &= \left\{ -3, 12, -4, \underset{\uparrow}{9}, 2, 15\right\} \\ x_2[n] &= \left\{ -6, \underset{\uparrow}{4}, -2, 10\right\} \end{align} \]

the position of the sample at \(n=0\) is different in these sequences. Also, the length of these sequences are different.

The addition operation should take these differences into account. The following python code adjusts for these differences before computing the addition operation. It creates two sequences and of equal length that spans the minimum and maximum indices of and . The sequences and are first filled with zeros and then the sequences & are copied over to & at corresponding positions. The final result is computed as the sum of and .

import numpy as np

def signal_add(x1, n1, x2, n2):
    Computes y(n) = x1(n) + x2(n)
    [y, n] = signal_add(x1, n1, x2, n2)
    n1 = indices of first sequence x1
    n2 = indices of second sequence x2
    x1 = first sequence defined for indices n1
    x2 = second sequence defined for indices n2
    y = output sequence defined over indices n that
    covers whole range of n1 and n2

    n_start = min(min(n1), min(n2))
    n_end = max(max(n1), max(n2))
    n = np.arange(n_start, n_end + 1)  # duration of y(n)

    y1 = np.zeros_like(n, dtype='complex_')
    y2 = np.zeros_like(n, dtype='complex_')

    mask1 = (n >= n1[0]) & (n <= n1[-1])
    mask2 = (n >= n2[0]) & (n <= n2[-1])

    y1[np.where(mask1)[0]] = x1[np.where(n1 == n[mask1])]
    y2[np.where(mask2)[0]] = x2[np.where(n2 == n[mask2])]

    y = y1 + y2

    return y, n

The following code snippet uses the function above to compute the addition of two sequences \(x_1[n]\) and \(x_2[n]\), defined as

\[\begin{align} x_1[n] &= cos \left( 0.03 \pi n \right), & 0 \leq n \leq 50 \\ x_2[n] &= e^{0.06 n}, & -30 \leq 0 \leq n \end{align}\]
n1 = np.arange(0,50)
n2 = np.arange(-30,10)
x1 = np.cos(0.03*np.pi*n1)
x2 = np.exp(0.06*n2)
[y,n] = signal_add(x1, n1, x2, n2)

These discrete sequences are plotted (Figure 1) using the code below.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True)

ax1.stem(n1, x1, 'k', label = '$x_1[n]$')
ax2.stem(n2, x2, 'b', label = '$x_2[n]$')
ax3.stem(n, y, 'r', label = '$y[n] = x_1[n] + x_2[n]$')

ax1.legend(loc="upper right")
ax2.legend(loc="upper right")
ax3.legend(loc="upper right")

ax1.set_xlim((min(n), max(n)+1))
ax1.set_title('Addition of signals')
Addition of discrete signals in signals and systems. Signal addition
Figure 1: Addition of discrete signals

Analog and Discrete signals

In the context of signal and systems, analog and discrete signals are two different types of signals that convey information.

Analog signal

An analog signal is a continuous signal that varies smoothly over time. It can take on any value within a certain range. Analog signals are represented by physical quantities such as voltage, current, or sound waves. For example, the varying voltage produced by a microphone when recording sound is an analog signal. Analog signals are typically represented as continuous waveforms.

Let’s consider an example of a simple analog signal:

\[x(t) = A \cdot sin \left(2 \pi f t + \phi \right)\]

    In this equation:

    • x(t) represents the value of the analog signal at time t.
    • A is the amplitude of the signal, which determines its maximum value.
    • f is the frequency of the signal, which represents the number of cycles per unit of time.
    • φ is the phase of the signal, which represents the offset or starting point of the waveform.

    This equation describes a sinusoidal analog signal, where the value of the signal varies continuously over time. The signal can have an infinite number of values at any given instant.

    Discrete signal

    On the other hand, a discrete signal is a signal that is defined only at specific instances of time and takes on a finite set of values. Discrete signals are often derived from analog signals by a process called sampling, where the continuous analog signal is measured or sampled at regular intervals. Each sample represents the value of the signal at a particular instant. These samples can be stored and processed using digital systems. Examples of discrete signals include digital audio, digital images, and the output of a digital sensor.

    Discrete signals are commonly used in digital signal processing and can be represented using mathematical equations.

    The general equation for a discrete signal can be written as:

    \[x[n] = f(n)\]

    In this equation:

    • x[n] represents the value of the discrete signal at time instance n.
    • f(n) is the function that determines the value of the signal at each specific time instance.

    The function f(n) can take various forms depending on the specific characteristics of the discrete signal. For example, let’s start with the equation for the analog sinusoidal signal:

    \[x(t) = A \cdot sin \left(2 \pi f t + \phi \right)\]

    To obtain the discrete version of this signal, we need to sample it at regular intervals. The sampling process involves measuring the analog signal at equidistant points in time.

    Let’s define the sampling period as \(T_s\), which represents the time between two consecutive samples. The sampling rate is the inverse of the sampling period and is denoted as \(f_s = 1 / T_s\).

    Now, we can express the discrete version of the sinusoidal signal as:

    \[x[n] = x(n T_s) = A \cdot sin(2 \pi f n T_s + \phi)\]

    In this equation:

    • x[n] represents the value of the discrete signal at sample index n.
    • f is the frequency of the sinusoidal signal in hertz
    • n represents the sample index, indicating which sample we are considering.
    • \(T_s\) is the sampling period.
    • \(f_s\) is the sampling frequency, which is the reciprocal of the sampling period.

    By substituting \(nT_s\) for t in the analog sinusoidal signal equation, we obtain the discrete version of the sinusoidal signal. The discrete signal represents the sampled values of the original analog signal at each specific time instance, \(nT_s\).

    It’s important to note that the accuracy of the discrete signal representation depends on the sampling rate. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, for real signals, the sampling rate should be at least twice the maximum frequency of the analog signal to avoid aliasing and accurately reconstruct the signal from its samples.

    Python code

    Following is an example Python code that simulates an analog sinusoidal signal, samples it to obtain a discrete version, and overlays the two signals for comparison

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Parameters for the analog signal
    amplitude = 1.0  # Amplitude of the signal
    frequency = 2.0  # Frequency of the signal in Hz
    phase = 0.0  # Phase of the signal in radians
    # Parameters for the discrete signal
    sampling_rate = 10  # Number of samples per second
    num_samples = 20
    # Time arrays for the analog and discrete signals
    t_analog = np.linspace(0, num_samples / sampling_rate, num_samples * 10)  # Higher resolution for analog signal
    n_discrete = np.arange(num_samples)
    # Generate the analog signal
    analog_signal = amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * t_analog + phase)
    # Sample the analog signal to obtain the discrete signal
    discrete_signal = amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * n_discrete / sampling_rate + phase)
    # Plot the analog and discrete signals
    plt.plot(t_analog, analog_signal, label='Analog Signal')
    plt.stem(n_discrete / sampling_rate, discrete_signal, 'r', markerfmt='ro', basefmt=' ', label='Discrete Signal')
    plt.title('Analog and Discrete Sinusoidal Signals')
    # Move the legend outside the figure
    plt.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1))

    Resulting plot

    Figure 1: Simulated analog and discrete sinusoidal signals