Parseval’s theorem – derivation

The Parseval’s theorem (a.k.a Plancherel theorem) expresses the energy of a signal in time-domain in terms of the average energy in its frequency components. Suppose if the x[n] is a discrete-time sequence of complex numbers of length N : xn={x0,x1,…,xN-1}, its N-point discrete Fourier transform (DFT)[1] : Xk={X0,X1,…,XN-1} is given by The inverse discrete Fourier … Read more

Significance of RMS (Root Mean Square) value

Root Mean Square (RMS) value is the most important parameter that signifies the size of a signal. Defining the term “size”: In signal processing, a signal is viewed as a function of time. The term “size of a signal” is used to represent “strength of the signal”. It is crucial to know the “size” of … Read more