Gaussian Pulse – FFT & PSD in Matlab & Python

Key focus: Know how to generate a gaussian pulse, compute its Fourier Transform using FFT and power spectral density (PSD) in Matlab & Python.

Numerous texts are available to explain the basics of Discrete Fourier Transform and its very efficient implementation – Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).  Often we are confronted with the need to generate simple, standard signals (sine, cosine, Gaussian pulse, squarewave, isolated rectangular pulse, exponential decay, chirp signal) for simulation purpose. I intend to show (in a series of articles) how these basic signals can be generated in Matlab and how to represent them in frequency domain using FFT.

This article is part of the following books
Digital Modulations using Matlab : Build Simulation Models from Scratch, ISBN: 978-1521493885
Digital Modulations using Python ISBN: 978-1712321638
Wireless communication systems in Matlab ISBN: 979-8648350779
All books available in ebook (PDF) and Paperback formats

Gaussian Pulse : Mathematical description:

In digital communications, Gaussian Filters are employed in Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying – GMSK (used in GSM technology) and Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK). Two dimensional Gaussian Filters are used in Image processing to produce Gaussian blurs. The impulse response of a Gaussian Filter is Gaussian. Gaussian Filters give no overshoot with minimal rise and fall time when excited with a step function. Gaussian Filter has minimum group delay. The impulse response of a Gaussian Filter is written as a Gaussian Function as follows

The Fourier Transform of a Gaussian pulse preserves its shape.

The above derivation makes use of the following result from complex analysis theory and the property of Gaussian function – total area under Gaussian function integrates to 1.

By change of variable, let ( ). 

Thus, the Fourier Transform of a Gaussian pulse is a Gaussian Pulse.

Gaussian Pulse – Fourier Transform using FFT (Matlab & Python):

The following code generates a Gaussian Pulse with ( ). The Discrete Fourier Transform of this digitized version of Gaussian Pulse is plotted with the help of (FFT) function in Matlab.

For Python code, please refer the book Digital Modulations using Python

fs=80; %sampling frequency
t=-0.5:1/fs:0.5; %time base

title(['Gaussian Pulse \sigma=', num2str(sigma),'s']);

NFFT = 1024;
X = fftshift(fft(x,NFFT));
Pxx=X.*conj(X)/(NFFT*NFFT); %computing power with proper scaling
f = fs*(-NFFT/2:NFFT/2-1)/NFFT; %Frequency Vector

title('Magnitude of FFT');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Magnitude |X(f)|');
xlim([-10 10])
Figure 1: Gaussian pulse and its FFT (magnitude)
Figure 1: Gaussian pulse and its FFT (magnitude)

Double Sided and Single Power Spectral Density using FFT:

Next, the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the Gaussian pulse is constructed using the FFT. PSD describes the power contained at each frequency component of the given signal. Double Sided power spectral density is plotted first, followed by single sided power spectral density plot (retaining only the positive frequency side of the spectrum).

Pxx=X.*conj(X)/(L*L); %computing power with proper scaling
title('Double Sided - Power Spectral Density');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power Spectral Density- P_{xx} dB/Hz');
Figure 2: Double sided power spectral density of Gaussian pulse
X = fft(x,NFFT);
X = X(1:NFFT/2+1);%Throw the samples after NFFT/2 for single sided plot
f = fs*(0:NFFT/2)/NFFT; %Frequency Vector
title('Single Sided - Power Spectral Density');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power Spectral Density- P_{xx} dB/Hz');

For Python code, please refer the book Digital Modulations using Python

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Topics in this chapter

Essentials of Signal Processing
● Generating standard test signals
 □ Sinusoidal signals
 □ Square wave
 □ Rectangular pulse
 □ Gaussian pulse
 □ Chirp signal
Interpreting FFT results - complex DFT, frequency bins and FFTShift
 □ Real and complex DFT
 □ Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
 □ Interpreting the FFT results
 □ FFTShift
 □ IFFTShift
Obtaining magnitude and phase information from FFT
 □ Discrete-time domain representation
 □ Representing the signal in frequency domain using FFT
 □ Reconstructing the time domain signal from the frequency domain samples
● Power spectral density
Power and energy of a signal
 □ Energy of a signal
 □ Power of a signal
 □ Classification of signals
 □ Computation of power of a signal - simulation and verification
Polynomials, convolution and Toeplitz matrices
 □ Polynomial functions
 □ Representing single variable polynomial functions
 □ Multiplication of polynomials and linear convolution
 □ Toeplitz matrix and convolution
Methods to compute convolution
 □ Method 1: Brute-force method
 □ Method 2: Using Toeplitz matrix
 □ Method 3: Using FFT to compute convolution
 □ Miscellaneous methods
Analytic signal and its applications
 □ Analytic signal and Fourier transform
 □ Extracting instantaneous amplitude, phase, frequency
 □ Phase demodulation using Hilbert transform
Choosing a filter : FIR or IIR : understanding the design perspective
 □ Design specification
 □ General considerations in design

Books by the author

Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab
Second Edition(PDF)

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Digital Modulations using Python
(PDF ebook)

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Digital Modulations using Matlab
(PDF ebook)

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Hand-picked Best books on Communication Engineering
Best books on Signal Processing

Generating Basic signals – Rectangular Pulse and Power Spectral Density using FFT

Numerous texts are available to explain the basics of Discrete Fourier Transform and its very efficient implementation – Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).  Often we are confronted with the need to generate simple, standard signals (sine, cosineGaussian pulsesquare waveisolated rectangular pulse, exponential decay, chirp signal) for simulation purpose. I intend to show (in a series of articles) how these basic signals can be generated in Matlab and how to represent them in frequency domain using FFT.

This article is part of the book Digital Modulations using Matlab : Build Simulation Models from Scratch, ISBN: 978-1521493885 available in ebook (PDF) format (click here) and Paperback (hardcopy) format (click here)
Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab, ISBN: 978-1720114352 available in ebook (PDF) format (click here) and Paperback (hardcopy) format (click here).

Rectangular pulse: mathematical description

An isolated rectangular pulse of amplitude A and duration T is represented mathematically as


The Fourier transform of isolated rectangular pulse g(t) is

where, the sinc function is given by

Thus, the Fourier Transform pairs are

The Fourier Transform describes the spectral content of the signal at various frequencies. For a given signal g(t), the Fourier Transform is given by

where, the absolute value gives the magnitude of the frequency components (amplitude spectrum) and are their corresponding phase (phase spectrum) . For the rectangular pulse, the amplitude spectrum is given as

The amplitude spectrum peaks at f=0 with value equal to AT. The nulls of the spectrum occur at integral multiples of 1/T, i.e, ( )

Generating an isolated rectangular pulse in Matlab:

An isolated rectangular pulse of unit amplitude and width w (the factor T in equations above ) can be generated easily with the help of in-built function – rectpuls(t,w) command in Matlab. As an example, a unit amplitude rectangular pulse of duration is generated.

fs=500; %sampling frequency
T=0.2; %width of the rectangule pulse in seconds

t=-0.5:1/fs:0.5; %time base

x=rectpuls(t,T); %generating the square wave

title(['Rectangular Pulse width=', num2str(T),'s']);

Amplitude spectrum using FFT:

Matlab’s FFT function is utilized for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The magnitude of FFT is plotted. From the following plot, it can be noted that the amplitude of the peak occurs at f=0 with peak value  . The nulls in the spectrum are located at  ().

NFFT = 1024;
X = fftshift(fft(x,NFFT)); %FFT with FFTshift for both negative & positive frequencies
f = fs*(-NFFT/2:NFFT/2-1)/NFFT; %Frequency Vector

title('Magnitude of FFT');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Magnitude |X(f)|');

Power spectral density (PSD) using FFT:

The distribution of power among various frequency components is plotted next. The first plot shows the double-side Power Spectral Density which includes both positive and negative frequency axis. The second plot describes the PSD only for positive frequency axis (as the response is just the mirror image of negative frequency axis).

Pxx=X.*conj(X)/(L*L); %computing power with proper scaling
title('Double Sided - Power Spectral Density');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power Spectral Density- P_{xx} dB/Hz');
X = fft(x,NFFT);
X = X(1:NFFT/2+1);%Throw the samples after NFFT/2 for single sided plot
f = fs*(0:NFFT/2)/NFFT; %Frequency Vector
title('Single Sided - Power Spectral Density');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power Spectral Density- P_{xx} dB/Hz');

Magnitude and phase spectrum:

The phase spectrum of the rectangular pulse manifests as series of pulse trains bounded between 0 and , provided the rectangular pulse is symmetrically centered around sample zero. This is explained in the reference here and the demo below.

x = [ones(1,7) zeros(1,127-13) ones(1,6)];
subplot(3,1,1); plot(x,'k');
title('Rectangular Pulse'); xlabel('Sample#'); ylabel('Amplitude');

NFFT = 127;
X = fftshift(fft(x,NFFT)); %FFT with FFTshift for both negative & positive frequencies
f = (-NFFT/2:NFFT/2-1)/NFFT; %Frequency Vector

subplot(3,1,2); plot(f,abs(X),'r');
title('Magnitude Spectrum'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('|X(f)|');

subplot(3,1,3); plot(f,atan2(imag(X),real(X)),'r');
title('Phase Spectrum'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('\angle X(f)');

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Topics in this chapter

Essentials of Signal Processing
● Generating standard test signals
 □ Sinusoidal signals
 □ Square wave
 □ Rectangular pulse
 □ Gaussian pulse
 □ Chirp signal
Interpreting FFT results - complex DFT, frequency bins and FFTShift
 □ Real and complex DFT
 □ Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
 □ Interpreting the FFT results
 □ FFTShift
 □ IFFTShift
Obtaining magnitude and phase information from FFT
 □ Discrete-time domain representation
 □ Representing the signal in frequency domain using FFT
 □ Reconstructing the time domain signal from the frequency domain samples
● Power spectral density
Power and energy of a signal
 □ Energy of a signal
 □ Power of a signal
 □ Classification of signals
 □ Computation of power of a signal - simulation and verification
Polynomials, convolution and Toeplitz matrices
 □ Polynomial functions
 □ Representing single variable polynomial functions
 □ Multiplication of polynomials and linear convolution
 □ Toeplitz matrix and convolution
Methods to compute convolution
 □ Method 1: Brute-force method
 □ Method 2: Using Toeplitz matrix
 □ Method 3: Using FFT to compute convolution
 □ Miscellaneous methods
Analytic signal and its applications
 □ Analytic signal and Fourier transform
 □ Extracting instantaneous amplitude, phase, frequency
 □ Phase demodulation using Hilbert transform
Choosing a filter : FIR or IIR : understanding the design perspective
 □ Design specification
 □ General considerations in design

Books by the author

Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab
Second Edition(PDF)

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Digital Modulations using Python
(PDF ebook)

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Digital Modulations using Matlab
(PDF ebook)

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Generating Basic signals – Square Wave and Power Spectral Density using FFT

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Numerous texts are available to explain the basics of Discrete Fourier Transform and its very efficient implementation – Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).  Often we are confronted with the need to generate simple, standard signals (sine, cosineGaussian pulsesquarewaveisolated rectangular pulse, exponential decay, chirp signal) for simulation purpose. I intend to show (in a series of articles) how these basic signals can be generated in Matlab and how to represent them in frequency domain using FFT.

This article is part of the book Digital Modulations using Matlab : Build Simulation Models from Scratch, ISBN: 978-1521493885 available in ebook (PDF) format (click here) and Paperback (hardcopy) format (click here)
Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab, ISBN: 978-1720114352 available in ebook (PDF) format (click here) and Paperback (hardcopy) format (click here).

Significance of Square Waves

The most logical way of transmitting information across a communication channel is through a stream of square pulse – a distinct pulse for ‘0‘ and another for ‘1‘. Digital signals are graphically represented as square waves with certain symbol/bit period. Square waves are also used universally in switching circuits, as clock signals synchronizing various blocks of digital circuits, as reference clock for a given system domain and so on.

Square wave manifests itself as a wide range of harmonics in frequency domain and therefore can cause electromagnetic interference. Square waves are periodic and contain odd harmonics when expanded as Fourier Series (where as signals like saw-tooth and other real word signals contain harmonics at all integer frequencies). Since a square wave literally expands to infinite number of odd harmonic terms in frequency domain, approximation of square wave is another area of interest. The number of terms of its Fourier Series expansion, taken for approximating the square wave is often seen as Gibbs Phenomenon, which manifests as ringing effect at the corners of the square wave in time domain (visual explanation here).

True Square waves are a special class of rectangular waves with 50% duty cycle. Varying the duty cycle of a rectangular wave leads to pulse width modulation, where the information is conveyed by changing the duty-cycle of each transmitted rectangular wave.

How to generate a square wave in Matlab

If you know the trick of generating a sine wave in Matlab, the task is pretty much simple. Square wave is generated using “square” function in Matlab. The command sytax – square(t,dutyCycle) – generates a square wave with period for the given time base. The command behaves similar to “sin” command (used for generating sine waves), but in this case it generates a square wave instead of a sine wave. The argument – dutyCycle is optional and it defines the desired duty cycle of the square wave. By default (when the dutyCycle argument is not supplied) the square wave is generated with (50%) duty cycle.

f=10; %frequency of sine wave in Hz
overSampRate=30; %oversampling rate
fs=overSampRate*f; %sampling frequency
duty_cycle=50; % Square wave with 50% Duty cycle (default)
nCyl = 5; %to generate five cycles of sine wave

t=0:1/fs:nCyl*1/f; %time base

x=square(2*pi*f*t,duty_cycle); %generating the square wave

title(['Square Wave f=', num2str(f), 'Hz']);

Power Spectral Density using FFT

Let’s check out how the generated square wave will look in frequency domain. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is utilized here. As discussed in the article here, there are numerous ways to plot the response of FFT. Single Sided power spectral density is plotted first, followed by the Double-sided power spectral density.

Single Sided Power Spectral Density

X = fft(x,NFFT);
X = X(1:NFFT/2+1);%Throw the samples after NFFT/2 for single sided plot
f = fs*(0:NFFT/2)/NFFT; %Frequency Vector

title('Single Sided Power Spectral Density');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power Spectral Density- P_{xx} dB/Hz');
ylim([-45 -5])

Double Sided Power Spectral Density

NFFT = 1024;
X = fftshift(fft(x,NFFT));
Pxx=X.*conj(X)/(NFFT*L); %computing power with proper scaling
f = fs*(-NFFT/2:NFFT/2-1)/NFFT; %Frequency Vector

title('Double Sided Power Spectral Density');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power Spectral Density- P_{xx} dB/Hz');
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Topics in this chapter

Essentials of Signal Processing
● Generating standard test signals
 □ Sinusoidal signals
 □ Square wave
 □ Rectangular pulse
 □ Gaussian pulse
 □ Chirp signal
Interpreting FFT results - complex DFT, frequency bins and FFTShift
 □ Real and complex DFT
 □ Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
 □ Interpreting the FFT results
 □ FFTShift
 □ IFFTShift
Obtaining magnitude and phase information from FFT
 □ Discrete-time domain representation
 □ Representing the signal in frequency domain using FFT
 □ Reconstructing the time domain signal from the frequency domain samples
● Power spectral density
Power and energy of a signal
 □ Energy of a signal
 □ Power of a signal
 □ Classification of signals
 □ Computation of power of a signal - simulation and verification
Polynomials, convolution and Toeplitz matrices
 □ Polynomial functions
 □ Representing single variable polynomial functions
 □ Multiplication of polynomials and linear convolution
 □ Toeplitz matrix and convolution
Methods to compute convolution
 □ Method 1: Brute-force method
 □ Method 2: Using Toeplitz matrix
 □ Method 3: Using FFT to compute convolution
 □ Miscellaneous methods
Analytic signal and its applications
 □ Analytic signal and Fourier transform
 □ Extracting instantaneous amplitude, phase, frequency
 □ Phase demodulation using Hilbert transform
Choosing a filter : FIR or IIR : understanding the design perspective
 □ Design specification
 □ General considerations in design

Books by the author

Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab
Second Edition(PDF)

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Digital Modulations using Python
(PDF ebook)

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Digital Modulations using Matlab
(PDF ebook)

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Best books on Signal Processing

Plot FFT using Matlab – FFT of sine wave & cosine wave

Key focus: Learn how to plot FFT of sine wave and cosine wave using Matlab. Understand FFTshift. Plot one-sided, double-sided and normalized spectrum.


Numerous texts are available to explain the basics of Discrete Fourier Transform and its very efficient implementation – Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).  Often we are confronted with the need to generate simple, standard signals (sine, cosine, Gaussian pulse, squarewave, isolated rectangular pulse, exponential decay, chirp signal) for simulation purpose. I intend to show (in a series of articles) how these basic signals can be generated in Matlab and how to represent them in frequency domain using FFT. If you are inclined towards Python programming, visit here.

This article is part of the following books
Digital Modulations using Matlab : Build Simulation Models from Scratch, ISBN: 978-1521493885
Wireless communication systems in Matlab ISBN: 979-8648350779
All books available in ebook (PDF) and Paperback formats

Sine Wave

In order to generate a sine wave in Matlab, the first step is to fix the frequency of the sine wave. For example, I intend to generate a f=10 Hz sine wave whose minimum and maximum amplitudes are and respectively. Now that you have determined the frequency of the sinewave, the next step is to determine the sampling rate. Matlab is a software that processes everything in digital. In order to generate/plot a smooth sine wave, the sampling rate must be far higher than the prescribed minimum required sampling rate which is at least twice the frequency – as per Nyquist Shannon Theorem. A oversampling factor of is chosen here – this is to plot a smooth continuous-like sine wave (If this is not the requirement, reduce the oversampling factor to desired level). Thus the sampling rate becomes . If a phase shift is desired for the sine wave, specify it too.

f=10; %frequency of sine wave
overSampRate=30; %oversampling rate
fs=overSampRate*f; %sampling frequency
phase = 1/3*pi; %desired phase shift in radians
nCyl = 5; %to generate five cycles of sine wave

t=0:1/fs:nCyl*1/f; %time base

x=sin(2*pi*f*t+phase); %replace with cos if a cosine wave is desired
title(['Sine Wave f=', num2str(f), 'Hz']);

Representing in Frequency Domain

Representing the given signal in frequency domain is done via Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) which implements Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in an efficient manner. Usually, power spectrum is desired for analysis in frequency domain. In a power spectrum, power of each frequency component of the given signal is plotted against their respective frequency. The command computes the -point DFT. The number of points – –  in the DFT computation is taken as power of (2) for facilitating efficient computation with FFT. A value of is chosen here. It can also be chosen as next power of 2 of the length of the signal.

Different representations of FFT:

Since FFT is just a numeric computation of -point DFT, there are many ways to plot the result.

1. Plotting raw values of DFT:

The x-axis runs from to – representing sample values. Since the DFT values are complex, the magnitude of the DFT is plotted on the y-axis. From this plot we cannot identify the frequency of the sinusoid that was generated.

NFFT=1024; %NFFT-point DFT      
X=fft(x,NFFT); %compute DFT using FFT        
nVals=0:NFFT-1; %DFT Sample points       
title('Double Sided FFT - without FFTShift');        
xlabel('Sample points (N-point DFT)')        
ylabel('DFT Values');

2. FFT plot – plotting raw values against Normalized Frequency axis:

In the next version of plot, the frequency axis (x-axis) is normalized to unity. Just divide the sample index on the x-axis by the length of the FFT. This normalizes the x-axis with respect to the sampling rate . Still, we cannot figure out the frequency of the sinusoid from the plot.

NFFT=1024; %NFFT-point DFT      
X=fft(x,NFFT); %compute DFT using FFT        
nVals=(0:NFFT-1)/NFFT; %Normalized DFT Sample points         
title('Double Sided FFT - without FFTShift');        
xlabel('Normalized Frequency')       
ylabel('DFT Values');

3. FFT plot – plotting raw values against normalized frequency (positive & negative frequencies):

As you know, in the frequency domain, the values take up both positive and negative frequency axis. In order to plot the DFT values on a frequency axis with both positive and negative values, the DFT value at sample index has to be centered at the middle of the array. This is done by using function in Matlab. The x-axis runs from to where the end points are the normalized ‘folding frequencies’ with respect to the sampling rate .

NFFT=1024; %NFFT-point DFT      
X=fftshift(fft(x,NFFT)); %compute DFT using FFT      
fVals=(-NFFT/2:NFFT/2-1)/NFFT; %DFT Sample points        
title('Double Sided FFT - with FFTShift');       
xlabel('Normalized Frequency')       
ylabel('DFT Values');

4. FFT plot – Absolute frequency on the x-axis Vs Magnitude on Y-axis:

Here, the normalized frequency axis is just multiplied by the sampling rate. From the plot below we can ascertain that the absolute value of FFT peaks at and . Thus the frequency of the generated sinusoid is . The small side-lobes next to the peak values at and are due to spectral leakage.

title('Double Sided FFT - with FFTShift');       
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')         
ylabel('|DFT Values|');

5. Power Spectrum – Absolute frequency on the x-axis Vs Power on Y-axis:

The following is the most important representation of FFT. It plots the power of each frequency component on the y-axis and the frequency on the x-axis. The power can be plotted in linear scale or in log scale. The power of each frequency component is calculated as

Where is the frequency domain representation of the signal . In Matlab, the power has to be calculated with proper scaling terms (since the length of the signal and transform length of FFT may differ from case to case).

Px=X.*conj(X)/(NFFT*L); %Power of each freq components       
title('Power Spectral Density');         
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')         

If you wish to verify the total power of the signal from time domain and frequency domain plots, follow this link.
Plotting the power spectral density (PSD) plot with y-axis on log scale, produces the most encountered type of PSD plot in signal processing.

Px=X.*conj(X)/(NFFT*L); %Power of each freq components       
title('Power Spectral Density');         
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')         

6. Power Spectrum – One-Sided frequencies

In this type of plot, the negative frequency part of x-axis is omitted. Only the FFT values corresponding to to sample points of -point DFT are plotted. Correspondingly, the normalized frequency axis runs between to . The absolute frequency (x-axis) runs from to .

Px=X.*conj(X)/(NFFT*L); %Power of each freq components       
title('One Sided Power Spectral Density');       
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')         

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For further reading

[1] Power spectral density – MIT opencourse ware↗

Topics in this chapter

Essentials of Signal Processing
● Generating standard test signals
 □ Sinusoidal signals
 □ Square wave
 □ Rectangular pulse
 □ Gaussian pulse
 □ Chirp signal
Interpreting FFT results - complex DFT, frequency bins and FFTShift
 □ Real and complex DFT
 □ Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
 □ Interpreting the FFT results
 □ FFTShift
 □ IFFTShift
Obtaining magnitude and phase information from FFT
 □ Discrete-time domain representation
 □ Representing the signal in frequency domain using FFT
 □ Reconstructing the time domain signal from the frequency domain samples
● Power spectral density
Power and energy of a signal
 □ Energy of a signal
 □ Power of a signal
 □ Classification of signals
 □ Computation of power of a signal - simulation and verification
Polynomials, convolution and Toeplitz matrices
 □ Polynomial functions
 □ Representing single variable polynomial functions
 □ Multiplication of polynomials and linear convolution
 □ Toeplitz matrix and convolution
Methods to compute convolution
 □ Method 1: Brute-force method
 □ Method 2: Using Toeplitz matrix
 □ Method 3: Using FFT to compute convolution
 □ Miscellaneous methods
Analytic signal and its applications
 □ Analytic signal and Fourier transform
 □ Extracting instantaneous amplitude, phase, frequency
 □ Phase demodulation using Hilbert transform
Choosing a filter : FIR or IIR : understanding the design perspective
 □ Design specification
 □ General considerations in design

Books by the author

Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab
Second Edition(PDF)

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Digital Modulations using Python
(PDF ebook)

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Digital Modulations using Matlab
(PDF ebook)

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FFT and Spectral Leakage

Spectral leakage due to FFT is caused by: mismatch between desired tone and chosen frequency resolution, time limiting an observation. Understand the concept using hands-on examples.

Limits of frequency domain studies

Frequency Transform is used to study a signal’s frequency domain characteristics. When using FFT to study the frequency domain characteristics of a signal, there are two limits : 1) The detect-ability of a small signal in the presence of a larger one; 2) frequency resolution – which distinguishes two different frequencies.

In practice, the measured signals are limited in time and the FFT calculates the frequency transform over a certain number of discrete frequencies called bins.

Spectral Leakage:

In reality, signals are of time-limited nature and nothing can be known about the signal beyond the measured interval. For example, if the measurement of a never ending continuous train of sinusoidal wave is of interest, at some point of time we need to terminate our observation to do further analysis. The limit on the time is also posed by limitations of the measurement system itself (example: buffer size), besides other factors.

It is often said that the FFT implicitly assumes that the signal essentially repeats itself after the measured interval and hence the FFT assumes the signal to be continuous (conceptually, juxtapose the measured signal repetitively). This lead to glitches in the assumed signal (see Figure 1). When the measurement time is purposefully made to be a non-integral multiple of the actual signal rate, these sharp discontinuities will spread out in the frequency domain leading to spectral leakage. This explanation for spectral leakage need to be carefully investigated.

Figure 1:Impact of observation interval on FFT

Experiment 1: Effect of FFT length and frequency resolution

Consider a pure sinusoidal signal of frequency \(f_x = 10 \;Hz\) and to represent in computer memory, the signal is observed for 1 second and sampled at frequency \(F_s=100 \; Hz\). Now, there will be 100 samples in the buffer and the buffer will contain integral number of waveform cycles (10 cycles in this case). The signal samples are analyzed using N-point DFT. Two cases are considered here for investigation : 1) The FFT size \(N\) is same as the length of the signal samples, i.e, N=100 and 2) FFT size set to next power of 2 that fits the signal samples i.e, N=128. The result are plotted next.

Fx=10; %Frequency of the sinusoid
Fs=100; %Sampling Frequency
observationTime = 1; %observation time in seconds
t=0:1/Fs:observationTime-1/Fs; %time base
x=sin(2*pi*Fx*t);%sampled sine wave

N=100; %DFT length same as signal length
X1 = 1/N*fftshift(fft(x,N));%N-point complex DFT of x
f1=(-N/2:1:N/2-1)*Fs/N; %frequencies on x-axis, Fs/N is the frequency resolution

N=128; %DFT length
X2 = 1/N*fftshift(fft(x,N));%N-point complex DFT of x
f2=(-N/2:1:N/2-1)*Fs/N; %frequencies on x-axis, Fs/N is the frequency resolution

title('Time domain');xlabel('Sample index (n)');ylabel('x[n]');
subplot(3,1,2);stem(f1,abs(X1)); %magnitudes vs frequencies
xlim([-16,16]);title(['FFT, N=100, \Delta f=',num2str(Fs/100)]);xlabel('f (Hz)'); ylabel('|X(k)|');
subplot(3,1,3);stem(f2,abs(X2)); %magnitudes vs frequencies
xlim([-16,16]);title(['FFT, N=128, \Delta f=',num2str(Fs/128)]);xlabel('f (Hz)'); ylabel('|X(k)|');
Figure 2: Effect of FFT length and frequency resolution

One might wonder, even though the buffered samples contain integral number of waveform cycles, why the frequency spectrum registered a distinct spike at \(10 \; Hz\) when \(N=100\) and not when \(N=128\). This is due to the different frequency resolution, the measure of ability to resolve two different adjacent frequencies

For case 1, the frequency resolution is \(\Delta f = f_s/N = 100/10 = 1 Hz\). This means that the frequency bins are spaced 1 Hz apart and that is why it is able to hit the bull’s eye at 10 Hz peak.

For case 2, the frequency resolution is \(\Delta f = f_s/128 = 100/128 = 0.7813 Hz\). With this frequency resolution, the x-axis of the frequency plot cannot have exact value of 10 Hz. Instead, the nearest adjacent frequency bins are 9.375 Hz and 10.1563 Hz respectively. Therefore, the frequency spectrum cannot represent 10 Hz and the energy of the signal gets leaked to adjacent bins, leading to spectral leakage.

Experiment 2: Effect of time-limited observation

In the previous experiment, the signal wave observed for 1 second duration and that fetched whole 10 cycles in the signal buffer. Now, reduce the observation time to 0.91 second and re-run the same code, results below. In this case, the signal buffer will have 9.1 cycles of the sinewave, which is not a whole number. For case 1, the frequency resolution is 1 Hz and the FFT plot has registered a distinct peak at 10 Hz. Careful investigation of the plot will reveal very low spectral leakage even in case 1 (observe the non-zero amplitude values for the rest of the bins). This is primarily due to the change in the observation interval leading to non-integral number of cycles within the observed window. The spectral leakage in case 2, when N=128, is predominantly due to mismatch in the frequency resolution.

Figure 3: Effect of limited time observation on spectral leakage in time domain

From these two experiments, we can say that
1) The mismatch between the tone of the signal and the chosen frequency resolution (result of sampling frequency and the FFT length) leads to spectral leakage (experiment 1).
2) Time-limiting an observation (at inappropriate times), may lead to spectral leakage (experiment 2).
3) Hence, the spectral leakage from a larger signal component, if present, may significantly overshadow other smaller signals making them difficult to identify or detect.

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[1] Fredric J Harris, “On the use of windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Wavelet Transform”, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol 66,No 1, January 1978.↗

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